The week ahead

After a weekend of thought and making machining code, we have the week ahead of us.  As stated in the recently uploaded video, this week’s YouTube extravaganza will focus on building ride structure.   

To build ride structure, you have to focus on more than just the above structure.  We have to have a way to secure it to our “ground” which will be plywood.  Previously, I had CNC milled wood with a circular hole, filled it with glue, then pressed the rectangular posts in the pocket.  This wasn’t bad, but I would prefer a more repeatable and authentic style of anchorage system. 



Prior to working in the amusement industry, I had ideas of placing angle metal (aluminum most likely) to connect the structure to the foundation.  The picture above is during the construction of Wickerman at Alton Towers.  Having worked with these anchors now, I will be implementing them into my ride construction.  This is for the full sized mini ride, by the way.  Yes, it was a weird sentence.

To make these anchor brackets hundreds of times, I will be making a drilling and cutting jig to repeat the process.  Ideally, it should connect the posts correctly and once the structure is standing it will be aligned vertically and horizontally or called “racked.” 

I’ll have more updates throughout the week!